Bringing Seniors Out of Social Isolation
Nelson Allan wanted to help seniors in Burlington stay engaged in the community. At age 73, he created an endowment fund with the Burlington Foundation to support programs that will do just that.
The Nelson Allan Fund, now called the was called the Nelson and Gary Allan Fund, was created to support activities for potentially isolated seniors. Each year, interest earned on the endowment fund is made available to be granted to charitable organizations, providing support for important community programs and continuing Nelson’s legacy.
When he was 92, Bruce Anderson, was a beneficiary of Nelson’s fund. He’s was happy to reminisce about old Burlington, sharing memories from the former Brant Inn. At 86, he enrolled in Spanish language programs at the Burlington Seniors’ Centre and then went on to learn Italian and French.
That’s not a typical picture of the life of a man his age, but then again, nothing is typical about what the Foundation, Acclaim Health and the Nelson Allan Fund brings to the city.
Patricia Blakely, Director Community Support Services for Acclaim Health, is an enthusiastic supporter of the Nelson Allan Program and the Foundation.
“Our mission at Acclaim is to help individuals enjoy living an independent life as long as possible,” she says. “We understand the profound impact of meaningful social interaction, practical assistance and companionship. Because of the Foundation and its stewardship of the Nelson Allan Fund, our clients benefit greatly from the social, intellectual and physical stimulation they enjoy every day.”