Together, Stronger with ArtHouse


“ArtHouse is extremely grateful to the Burlington Foundation and the Pandemic Response Fund for giving us the opportunity to reach our Burlington families in many special ways over the past 6 months. Their needs have increased and thanks to you we have been able to help. From the Weekly Delivery of Fresh Dinners to Virtual and Safe Live Pop-up Arts Programming to providing them with “experienced” computers, our goal is support the Whole Child – creatively, physically, socially, emotionally, intellectually, educationally and nutritionally in an atmosphere that is safe and supportive. Thank you!”

“Over the past six months you have helped us transition quickly into a changed ArtHouse World:

  • 652 Fresh Dinners to a total of 20 Families
  • 23 You-Tube Arts Programs to hundreds of children led by 8 ArtHouse Instructors
  • 4 Weekly Virtual Interactive Arts and Theatre Performance Programs
  • 3 Live Pop-up Programs at three community locations”


Don Pangman
Executive Director, ArtHouse for Children and Youth

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