Food4Kids Is Making A Difference

DJ is wearing a brilliant kelly green ski jacket. He’s a strapping boy of seven whose eyes sparkle with the clarity and wonder of someone just beginning to travel the road of life.  His mom, Vivian, observes him with affection born of knowing that her son’s story could be quite different.

“This place is amazing,” Vivian said. “Before Food4Kids, DJ would ask me for healthy food and I’d have to tell him, ‘Baby, we just can’t afford that right now.’  And, they offer more than food. I can get a good hug here too.”

Vivian and DJ are just one family being helped by Food4Kids Halton, in part due to the support of the Burlington Foundation. The Foundation has provided funding to support the work of Food4Kids, which includes its Weekends Without Hunger Program. The program provides healthy food packages for elementary-aged children who have limited access to food on the weekend, when school is not in session.

In 2023/24, the organization served more than 1,100 children across Halton living with food insecurity and 360 of those children lived in Burlington. It serves 36 schools across Burlington and also supports families with grocery gift cards during the summer months.

Vivian wants people who are struggling like her to rid themselves of the shame and stigma that often accompany the realization that sometimes everyone needs a leg up.

“I want more families in Burlington to go get the help their kids may need and don’t let your pride get in the way of making sure your children grow strong and healthy,” she says. “I won’t always have to use this program, but right now it makes an enormous change in my life and DJ’s too. Thank you.”

The Burlington Foundation provides grants to charities throughout the year through its donor-advised endowment funds. It also has an annual call for grants, where charities can directly apply to the Foundation for funding. Click here to donate to the Foundation and support Burlington’s Greatest Needs Fund.

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