Partnering to drive positive change for youth and young adults in our community

As part of our commitment to incorporate learnings from the Vital Signs Report, Burlington Foundation was excited to announce in Fall 2017 a one-year partnership with RBC that focuses on supporting youth and young adults as they transition into the workforce. This one-year commitment brings together leaders from diverse sectors, as well as young adults, to engage in dialogue and address the opportunities and obstacles youth face as they seek employment. The partnership includes RBC being the Diamond Sponsor of the Vital Signs 2017 Youth and Young Adults area and co-presenter of our recent March 2018 event, “Talking Today’s Youth, Tomorrow’s Prosperity”.

“Vital Signs is about connecting people to numbers in ways that foster new understanding,” says Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO, Burlington Foundation.  “As a community convener, the report helps guide us in our leadership role where we encourage conversation and support collaboration around pressing issues. Whether it’s championing access to mental wellness programs which continues to be a focus for us, helping seniors live more independently, or helping young people transition to the workplace ensuring a greater sense of belonging to community, we’re connecting opportunity to action.”

“As leaders within our communities, both RBC and the Burlington Foundation, have the ability to bring attention to issues impacting the Halton community through research, speaking and convening,” says Francine Dyksterhuis, Regional President of Southwestern Ontario, RBC. “Working together has never been more urgent. All sectors must join forces and mobilize efforts, energy and expertise to improve near-term employment outcomes as well as develop the evolving hard and soft skills of our young people that will be required across all sectors.”

To read Burlington Foundation’s 2017 Vital Signs report including an introduction to this best-in-class partnership, click here.

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