Burlington Foundation Delivers Round 2 Funding
Brings Total Funding Awarded in Rounds 1 and 2 to Over $476,000 Across 28 Charities
As shared in the following announcement, we are pleased to support the valuable work of the charities awarded Round 2 funding:
In May, The Government of Canada launched the $350 million Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) to help community organizations adapt frontline services to better meet the needs of people experiencing heightened vulnerability during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Government of Canada has implemented this funding with Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) in partnership with local foundations across the country, the Canadian Red Cross, and United Way Centraide Canada. Burlington Foundation has been proud to participate through the two rounds of funding to help ensure our most vulnerable citizens are safe and healthy.
Round 1 Granting:
Burlington Foundation was pleased to work with CFC and the Government of Canada to deliver $336,370 in Round 1 funding locally to 18 charities serving locally.
Announcing the Launch: